February 27, 2019
co-located with SIGCSE
Millennium Minneapolis Hotel
Minneapolis, MN
RESPECT 2019, the 4th international conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology is intended to serve a premier venue for peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary research on broadening participation in computing drawing from computer science education, educational leadership, learning sciences, cognitive or social psychology, social sciences, and related disciplines. RESPECT includes several types of presentations to promote collaboration, including research papers, experience reports, panels, posters, and lightning talks. RESPECT is co-located with the ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) on February 27, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN. The RESPECT 2019 proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.
Our 2019 theme of Partnering for Inclusion and Equity focuses on building partnerships that will enable us to engage all people in learning in computing. We are proud to include tracks on RPPforCS and BPC for Rural Communities:
RPPforCS track @ RESPECT
RPPforCS is a National Science Foundation funded project to create a connected community of practice for research practice partnerships (RPPs) to bring CSforAll. RPPforCS aims to develop a connected community of practice, support a participant-driven research agenda, develop a process for advancing the shared research agenda, collect qualitative and quantitative data about RPPforCS projects’ implementation and common impact data, and provide an infrastructure for dissemination of project work. The RPPforCS meeting at RESPECT will provide a forum to advance these goals.
BPC for Rural Communities track @ RESPECT
Rural communities are faced with unique sets of challenges. In order to build equitable pathways and achieve CSforAll, rural communities need to be recognized for their work, and provided with the tools and resources to stay connected to local and national Computer Science for All initiatives. The BPC for Rural Communities track at RESPECT will dive into the realities of expanding computer science and broadening participation in rural schools and communities. Bringing together state CS leaders, advocates, and researchers, the pre-symposium will focus on developing scalable strategies that will support and engage rural communities in the push for CS education. Come and learn from experienced states who are part of the ECEP Alliance and have initiated efforts to broaden participation in computing in the rural areas of North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.
The RESPECT 2019 conference proceedings are available through IEEE Explore!